Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de #Podman (parce que j'adore) kind fonctionne vraiment bien avec. Seul hic, mettre un ingress controller avec "hostPort" semble compliqué... Mais pour tester des truc à la #Kubernetes, c'est parfait.
Je me passe de #Docker sur mon poste perso depuis des mois. Merci @Podman_io
My post-op recovery is too long, so I coded this in a few hours
I didn't noticed this... Now, #Docker asks me to pay for an opensource / non-profit organization. I don't have 300$/year to give for this. Is there another free registry to create orgranization please ?
For those who remember my "docker-auto-dns" project, I recreated a better one in #Go here:
It provides a full domain resolution to your #Docker #containers!
#Katenary - 1.0.0-rc6 is now available. It fixes a lot of bugs.
Create configuratble #HelmCharts from Docker-Compose
You're invited to try #Katenary, a command line to convert #docker #compose file to a **configurable** #helm chart.
Machine Learning, DevOps, happy Linux user 🐧
Developing with Python, Golang, Julia, Typescript, C/C++… And Blender user !