We have a real concern in . Too many app creators are using the wrong names.
For example, instead of talking about , they say "Ubuntu" (seriously...). Or to mount an volume, the variables are called "aws_xxx". S3 is a protocol for God's sake... We have object storage elsewhere too...
Examples: , provides S3 storage...

Please, use the right terms.

@metal3d virtually all the people in the world use "google" as a verb for web searching. It's not because they are stupid or something. It's because of google is a major in web-search. Same with linux/ubuntu, s3/aws.


@krom I don't say they are stupid 🙂
And I'm talking about app creators. I was searching a way to mount s3 volume in a Pod (kubernetes). The variables are named "aws_secret" and "aws_id". This may let think that the project only works with AWS. I've got a client that was afraid to not be able to mount Azure volumes because of this.
Terms are important 🙂

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