Where's best to host the #OpenSource tools I've developed for Mastodon?

#GitHub is centralised & some people have ethical issues with it.

#GitLab doesn't have as many users, and is still centralised.

I don't have the skill / time / patience to run my own #Gitea or anything similar.



@Edent That's a pity, I encourage using Gitea as it's so simple to start and maintain. Especially on Kubernetes. There are also plenty of service hosting that proposes pre-installed Gitea.

@metal3d @Edent Not used to seeing "simple" and "Kubernetes" in the same sentence.

@timbray @metal3d As Sagan said "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."

I just want to *eat* the pie. No interest in cooking it.

@timbray @metal3d @Edent

This could be an instance of "the curse of knowledge". It looks simple when you already know it, and you forget how complex things are.

I'd like to highlight that one of the things that can enrich a #FLOSS community is the presence of non-professional programmers (like me) who struggle with the professional tooling.

@timbray @Edent "helm install foobar reponame/gitea". It's simple in my point of view.

@metal3d @timbray EXACTLY!

I said that I didn't have the skill to do that. I don't know why you didn't believe me. But here we are.

@Edent @timbray you have the skill to use PHP, push on git, probably pay a managed server... Excuse me but I thought that you had enough of knowledge to type one command. (Non-agression, I really thought this, and excuse my English)

@metal3d please read what I wrote in my original post.
I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear enough.

Just because I know how to use a screwdriver, does not mean I want to spend my weekends fixing my car.

@Edent so please read my first answer saying that a lot of service providers propose a preinstalled gitea or gitea service (one click). Insisting on your knowledge is not necessary.

@metal3d @Edent Hey, I'm reasonably technically skilled but haven't yet learned K8s. It is complex. Helm is “just a comand line” but so is git.

Not saying K8s is not good or not useful.

But I would prefer to avoid learning it in order to stand up a Mastodon instance.

@timbray @Edent the question was to install (or not) gitea. I only said that he can buy a simple hosted K8S (no management at all to do), and use the three commands here:

I never said to make something more.

And there is some providers where you don't need to type a command. You click on the gitea app in a catalog and it install the application on the kubernetes plateform.

@timbray @Edent I'm aware about the complexity of managing kubernetes (that's a big part of my job) and I always advice my clients to use managed K8S especially to avoid administration tasks.

K8S can be used as a SaaS (AWS, google, digital ocean, OVH, scaleway... They all propose one click cluster creation without any command line). Then you can click an icon to install application from artifact. Filling a form for some options (hostname, admin password...).

@timbray @Edent so, when I say that's a good option for those who haven't knowledge on K8S administration, I measure all of my words. K8S is not reserved anymore for sysadmin. It's like apache and php, years ago that was hard to install and configure. Today, there are plenty "ready to use" hosting solution. That's now the same for K8S.

@metal3d @Edent Hmm, OK, that's an interesting idea: That you can run an app in production on K8s without having to understand K8s.

Having worked with teams running nontrivial Web apps on K8s, this is a bit surprising to me, but I’m not going to say you’re wrong. Just that it's a new idea.

@metal3d @Edent There’s also the question of whether the advantages of K8s are important for a small friends-and-family Mastodon instance, but that's another matter.

@timbray @Edent it's a good question. The nice to have is that you can easily upgrade applications, try a "testing" version on the same servers to check if a configuration or the newest version is okay... That's possible with docker compose but it's, IMHO, less automated. K8S is a solution among others.

I'm sorry but I'm a bit tired of the K8S bashing that has been going on. I experienced the same criticism 15/20 years ago about apache, Linux, php, python, ...

@timbray @Edent PS : I love the given helm chart from Mastodon GitHub, it's easy to decide if you want elastic search or not, number of nodes... But they forget to update some dependencies and it's today not usable 😡
I opened an issue, I think they will fix it soon.

@Edent @timbray ok I will stop to feed the troll. I only meant that there are enough of K8S host service, low cost, where you can install wherever you want using helm or a simple kubectl command. It's my job, right, I think it's simple because I tried many deployment systems for 20 years now. I only gave an idea based on experience. Now... If you want to joke about it... Yep... 👋

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